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"Realizing that one is a dream figure in another persons dream, that is self awareness"

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"The Central"

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Old Soul Era is a jack of all trades. The group has been DJing and producing music in Denver, CO for the past 3 years. Producer/Lyricist Anthony Morales and Lyricist Jake Howard, have been trying to change the perception of hip-hop by combining hip-hop production with indie rock values and ideas. Anthony brings a sound that is very much influenced by jazz and soul, J. Howard brings powerful abstract lyrics and when combing the two it results in a poetic display of something real and raw. This "rawness" is also expressed through their photography. The images captured are a further extension of their love for art and music and range from live events, to rallies and portraits. There is an old soul vibe in both their sound and in their photographs.

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Want to learn more about Old Soul Era, their music, and their tour dates? Don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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